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Glorious Satay

Satay Cooking on the Grill

Anatomy of Satay

Satay is one of the most popular Malaysian delicacies around, particularly enticing during special celebrations.

They are marinated morsels of meat, skewered and grilled over smoking-hot coals. It’s traditionally served with satay sauce (kuah kacang), slivers of onions, chunks of cucumbers and diced rice cakes (ketupat).

Originating from a traditional Malaysian recipe handed down from generations, Sugi Satay uses a blend of rich spices infused in prime quality meat.

Over the 20+ years of satay-making, Sugi Satay’s traditional techniques remain unchanged. Our method of grilling stays true to the traditional satay grill setup – bearing charcoal flames that bring out the delicious flavour and aroma.

Contact us to order and satisfy your satay appetite! We provide catering for all events big and small.


View our catering menu here

Serving Suggestion

Satay sauce is best served slightly above room temperature.

Satay Nutrition

Our satay never contain any trace of MSG.

Contains Traces of Nuts

A cautionary tale to those allergic to nuts – all products here contain traces of nuts.